
Leomar Court 45 Westlands Rd. +254 722 624489

Our Services

Support Services

Support Services

The ability to predict or prevent system deficiencies is often the difference between the efficient, reliable operation of our electrical system. Power quality and reliability can have a dramatic impact on cash flow, production schedules and the overall performance of our operation or facility.

Power Factor Analysis

Power Factor Analysis

Neomatech continues to enhance our services and solutions to our customers by expanding our electrical engineering services. With qualified staff, we provide a full range of services to meet the demanding requirements of today’s power providers and users.

Emergency   Power Installation

Emergency Power Installation

Whether it is a UPS, a Generator for emergency power, or a 2000KW standby generator installation, we will carefully analyze your needs supply, install,test and commission to make sure it is fully function as per the provided design and to the satisfaction of all stake holders.

Electrical & Control System

Electrical & Control System

In this we ensure that Electrical Control Systems are installed conforming to appropriate standards. Where the Consultants and Client specifies the structure, we are pleased to conform since we understand the importance of consistency within the clients plant